Wednesday, May 26, 2010


These are two images from our vintage linen collection. When these were stitched, housework was an art. Women took great pride in it. (Although the two little Dutch girls in the first picture don't look like they've mastered the art.)

In both of these embroideries they are ironing dish towels, of all things. Who would iron a dish towel? Certainly not me. I don't iron anything ever...wait a minute, yes I do. I iron vintage linens when we have them for sale in our Etsy shop: The Linen Closet . I also iron when I'm doing photo styling for books that we publish. We just finished a cook book and I ironed my fair share of tablecloths and napkins.

But in my other life I never iron. I always buy wrinkle-free clothes. Sometimes I buy 100% cotton by mistake. Those things languish at the back of my closet for years until they go out of style.

I hate wrinkles...both in cotton and flesh.

 Click here to see more Theme Thursdays

And don't miss our other blog, which Nancy is in charge of. She has a delicious recipe for Avocado pie today.
Ladies of the Grove


  1. yeah i am not much for an iron...every once in a while i will pull it out if i need to go to court, but otherwise its either wrinkle free or its wrinkled and thats alright with me...nice embroidery....happy theme thursday!

  2. My sister used to like to iron. She'd set up the board, usually after midnight and iron while watching late night TV. It was an escape for her. Sometimes I was sure we couldn't possible be related.

    A friend of mine holds a patent on spray starch which apparently is used by consumers more to relieve boredom than to improve the ironing. Last time I tried it I thought it was pretty good.

    Have you ever heard of putting shirts or blouses in the freezer before ironing? I guess when you remove them, the condensation is just enough dampness to make ironing easy.

    I loved the embroideries.

  3. I love those little dutch girl patterns. My mom used to iron everything, even the pillowcases. I don't iron unless I have to. Great tt post.

  4. Kris, I just looked up gewrinclods. I'll bet google got a lot of "look-ups" for this word today. I don't know whether I should divulge the meaning or let everyone look it up themselves.
    Helen, When I have to iron I love spray starch. Thank your friend for me. The freezer idea sounds like a good one-just in case I ever have to iron, again.
    Leeuna, Can you imagine ironing pillow cases? They're going to get wrinkled as soon as you put your head on them.

  5. I remember reading once that Jackie O. had her underwear ironed. And you thought it odd to iron a dish towel! Personally, I iron nothing.
