Saturday, April 3, 2010

SEPIA SATURDAY- Four generations

Four generations on my mother's side:
My great grandmother, Katherine White;  my grandmother, Bessie Reis; my mother, Arleen Reis;
my great great grandmother, Rosa Daehler (about 1916)

My great grandmother, my mother, grandmother and me. (1940)

My father's side: My grandfather, Petrus Finwall (the one who was killed in an accident with a fire truck [story in a previous post, Feb. 20]),  Great Grandmother, Josephine Mefford; Great Aunt, Ella; Grandmother Della Finwall; Uncle Glenn (the one who saved the family in the accident with the fire truck). See more about heroic Glenn on March 18 post. This photo is taken in back of the house that my Grandfather built in Chicago.
My sister and I went to see this house a few years ago and it was still standing. I made an altered tin using this photo, another photo of the front and the census page listing the family at this address in 1910.

My father's maternal side; Great Grandma Mefford; Me, Grandma Gilbert (Finwall); my father, Gil. (About 1940)

The Sepia Saturday Site is actually on vacation today for the Easter Holiday.  So, if you go to the site it won't be as complete as usual, but I think some people are still posting.
For more Sepia Saturday stories go to


  1. What a great family - so many generations all together in these photos. Another artist in the family with beautiful handwriting had the good sense to caption everything. Each page looks so beautiful with the photo holder corners and the black backgrounds. Clever idea to make a box out of that photo of the house...was this one your craft inventions? What a great post.

  2. A rich family history in photos! I certainly enjoyed this! Gil was such a handsome man! Excellent post! Thanks for stopping by! Glad I was not alone in this week's posting!

  3. You are so fortunate to have this photos of all the generations. That must have been important to both sides of the family.

  4. We have a tradition in our family of taking multi-generational pictures - either of all-men or all-women.
    I particularly enjoyed the all-women one that you have up top.
    Evelyn in Montreal
