Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Caught on camera at the Fallbrook Film Festival

I love buffet food, maybe a little too much- because I'm always embarrassed to go back for seconds (or thirds). I'm always hoping that no one will notice. My sister, Nancy, and I have spent many years attending trade shows. There's always a party or two with a wonderful buffet. Sometimes it's even free. Then it tastes even better.

We once thought about writing a book for homeless people that would tell them how to eat good for free. Go to the nearest fancy hotel, go to the rest room and get tidied up as best you can. Pick up a name tag outside the door of a party (surreptitously) , check to see if they're only serving cheese cubes (too binding!) put on your best manners and eat hearty. Then we realized, homeless people wouldn't have the money to buy the book. So much for that idea !

Nancy  called me to say " did you see our picture in the paper? It's in an ad for the Fallbrook Film Festival."  There we were at last year's film festival---at the buffet table---caught on camera! Luckily it wasn't free so at least we had paid to gorge ourselves.

Notice that our picture in the ad is between an Elvis impersonator and George Hamilton,( this year's honored guest.)Nothing but the best for Fallbrook.

Actually it's a wonderful festival. We always enjoy the films and the buffet is delicious!


  1. O.K.,this is suitable for framing. Or maybe you could incorporate it into your Christmas card design. Absolutely hilarious.

  2. Get a Costco card and graze for free forever!

  3. So you were sandwiched between George and Elvis at the buffet table! You two make Fallbrook look pretty good.
