Sunday, March 21, 2010


My sister and I having Bloody Mary's by the pool. 
(My apologies to all of you in the bad-weather areas.)


  1. Ah, it does look great!! We had a great day in Seattle yesterday, but it's back to gray and rain today so I'll look at your photo and sigh -- maybe tomorrow! Have a great week!


  2. Wonderful picture...except I'm not in it! Wish I were there instead of working on my taxes.

  3. I love your two shadows. They are so neat, just like an illustration.

    please stop by my blog, I'm celebrating two years of blogging with a giveaway.

  4. Looks like a lovely afternoon! I'd like to be having Bloody Marys by the pool as well!

  5. No need to apologise. I'm looking on it as a reminder of things to come.

  6. Okay..I see what I was doing. Clicking on the mail icon again! Will I ever learn??

    Great idea - both the shot and the Bloody Mary - you two know how to live.

  7. Your Shadow Sunday looks incredible. When I was in Art school we learned that a shadow is not just black. It holds the mysteries of all the dark colors on your pallet. I see purples, browns, burgundy, teal and other colors hidden deep in all shadow art. The nature of the shadow is like a living being. It expands, contracts,, grows wide and can look pencil thin. Long shadows are my favorite. I love that your artist eye has picked up on this very eloquent fact. art dealers .clamor for works that have that Hooper and O’keef feel. Art would have no realism without the lowly shadow and highlight. Sunlight pouring through blinds, the look of daylight through shutters as rays fall on a hardwood floor, a sun washed adobe in late afternoon light, a palm tree shadow tracing desert landscape. These are all moments in time. The impact is so much more real because our eye photographs nature and we paint what we truly see. I love your work. Excellent!
