Friday, March 12, 2010


My Uncle Glenn, Aunt Phyllis, Unidentified Floozy, and Uncle Bob at Sunova Beach. (About 1937)
You met my handsome Uncle Bob a couple of weeks ago and My Uncle Glenn was mentioned a week before that.
Uncle Glenn was the 11 year old hero who steered the car to the side of the road after his father was killed by being hit in the face with a piece of a fire truck tire.
Uncle Bob was put into an orphanage with my father and their other brother, Don, so that their mother could go to work after she became a widow. Uncle Glenn was the oldest and went to live with an aunt and uncle.
I don't know why my Aunt Phyllis was completely clothed while the others are wearing fashionable bathing attire.
Don't you love the name of the beach?

Uncle Glenn was the oldest of the Finwall boys and the most long-lived. He almost made it to 100.
He died in 2006 at 99 years old.
We dedicated one of our painting books to my Uncle Glen.
One of his paintings titled "The Old Miner"
A self portrait.


  1. Wonderful picture! Possibly Aunt Phyllis was clothed because it was that time of the month.

    Unidentified floozy! Tee hee!

  2. Inspirational. Who says you're too old to show what you can do? Those paintings by your Uncle Glenn are very impressive.

  3. OM Goodness... what a heartbreaking family story! And the paintings are superb. Thanks for sharing the dedication! Have a happy SS. :) The Bach

  4. Don't you just love those swim suit styles back then? Those are beautiful portraits by your uncle.

  5. Your Uncle Glenn was quite talented. He certainly knew how to capture character in his paintings.

    And I love the name of the beach!

  6. Wonderful photo!

    Glenn was a talented artist...that self portrait is just amazing!

  7. Was Aunt Phyllis wearing a bib or did they call that a peplum? The floozy looks quite cute - lucky her to be on the arm of the delicious Uncle Bob. Uncle Glen is an inspiration.

    Another wonderful photo.

  8. I particularly like The Old Miner! Love the swimsuit pic. I have one of my grandmother in one of those old cotton suits from the 30s. Thank goodness for lycra.

  9. Helen (McHargue), I looked up peplum and this isn't it. a peplum attaches at the waist. This thing does have a name, though, and it's on the tip of my tongue.

  10. You Uncle Glenn created some beautiful work.

    Very nice photo too. I wonder if they have a gun shop near the beach? Sunova Gun. (arghh)

  11. The self portrait is gorgeous. And yes, Sunova Beach is quite amusing.

  12. Fascinating post : both in terms of the Sepia Saturday element of it and the very fine artwork.

  13. I have such a crush on your Uncle Glenn. And that Unidentified Floozie looks like my grandmother. Grandma liked fast cars and fast men; she was alot like my great-grandma that way (they were both major hussies). I think it's the older generation's duty to embarrass the youngsters with their unseemly antics -- Sunova Beach! You Rock, Uncle Glenn!
