Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Such a tragic, touching, crazy story. He was at the end of his girlfriend's driveway, partly in the street, drawing a flower in chalk on the pavement.  He hoped that she would see it when she drove out of her driveway in the morning. Instead he was hit by a school bus (luckily with no children on board.) He was then hit by another car.
He was described as a free-spirit who called himself "Red Beard", wrote poetry and put beads in his long braided beard.  A book of his poetry was found at the foot of the driveway. Some of the poetry was read at a memorial service held for him at his girlfriend's house.

1 comment:

  1. I read this story too. So romantic and so sad. Do you think he was so lost in his drawing that he didn't hear the bus coming?
