Thursday, February 25, 2010


She had just run into the street in front of a car. I grabbed her and Nancy brought me a leash that she took off of Tootie who was safely in the car. We asked around the neighborhood and there were stories of her having been wandering around for two days.  I took her home and the next day I put signs near where I found her. 
She was a wonderful dog- sweet and obedient-and knew several commands. She wasn't much trouble at all except for my 6 cats. She liked the cats but most of them didn't like her. Except Abby and Chloe who were quite tolerant.
 Abby & Chloe

The next day I was placing an ad in the newspaper and had just hung up when the phone rang. It was the dog's owner. She had been putting up lost dog signs and started putting one on the same telephone pole that I had put mine on.

So I drove Lilly home for a happy reunion.


  1. I love a happy ending. Lucky Lily to have been found by you! And the cats are probably all breathing a sigh of relief.

  2. I admire your good citizenship, but mostly I am in AWE of your attention to detail: how long have you been keeping that doggie-bone blankie in storage for that photo op??

  3. I am so happy Lilly went home again.

  4. What a wonderful story! And such a happy ending..
