Sunday, January 10, 2010

A lovely new store comes and goes.

I try to shop in Fallbrook as much as possible so that the stores will stay around. So many wonderful gift shops have come and gone through the years. Now that I've just discovered a new one I find out they're moving to Temecula- the town next door.  Fallbrook people have never been very loyal to their downtown stores. Instead they drive to the nearest mall about 20-30 minutes away.

This store- Madison Manor, has only been here about 6 months and they've realized that Temecula attracts more tourists and therefore more foot traffic. I'm sure part of the problem has been the horrible economy. But they probably will do better in Temecula.
The store is packed with beautiful things and the prices are great.

Madison Manor, 130 North Main, Fallbrook (Until February)