Sunday, January 31, 2010

From the L.A. Art Show and Zentangles

Here's a couple of the artists that were represented at the L.A. Art Show.
These first two pieces are by Oh, Kyong-Mi. I didn't notice it at the time but my latte photos from my last post must have been taken with these in the back of my mind.
Hers are ART, though.

After our Zentangles class we saw Zentangles everywhere, in tile patterns, carpet patterns, nature, etc. 

I don't think this artist knew he (or she) was doing a Zentangle, but it looks like one.
This is by Poli Marichal. It's a lino-cut called Regerenaciones/Transcendence.
 Lino-cuts are a lot harder to do than Zentangles.

What are Zentangles?  Doodles turned into art.
They were developed by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas. They can be used as a form of meditation and relaxation. (You know, that space you can get into while doodling). Rick Roberts noticed that Maria (a calligrapher) was hard to reach while she was working on a very involved illuminated letter.
He was an ex- Buddhist monk and thought she might be in a Zen-type space (don't quote me on this- it's just my interpretation). 
Suzanne McNeill has a book called "Zentangle Basics", (by her publishing company-Design Originals)- which is a great way to get started.

Here's my first attempt- a bookmark. It's fun and really is relaxing.
Here's one by Suzanne showing how complex and beautiful they can be.

Friday, January 22, 2010

An art-full trip to Los Angeles

Our friend, Suzanne McNeill, was here for a visit and we spent a few days in Los Angeles. It was all centered around art and started with a Zentangle class at my cousin's store TheART bar in Santa Ana and ended with The L.A. Art Show.
Zentangle by Penny Raile whose loft we visited in L.A.

One of Suzanne's Zentangles 

One of the murals in the L.A. library

Also in the wonderful L.A. library

Murals, while walking to the Grand Central Market for lunch.

A bridal shop on the way to Grand Central Market.

Suzanne at the Market.

Penny and some of her Zentangles in her loft.

One of Penny's paintings.

The model.

More art... on our lattes at breakfast.

At the Neon Museum.

More tomorrow about the Art Show.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

San Diego Sketchcrawl- Buena Vista Nature Center, Oceanside

My first time with this very nice group. I was a little intimidated by the talent of everyone
and wasn't happy with my first little painting.  Next time I'll do better and bring better supplies.

Stuffed dead birds in the nature center.

On my way home I stopped at an antique store because there was an Eames chair out in front. I've always wanted one. It was a copy, but I still wouldn't mind having it. It was only $350- that's how I knew it was a copy. When I hesitated the owner offered it to me for $250.

I should have bought it but I'm feeling too poor these days, so instead I bought this photo for $1.00.

I think it was a wise decision.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hiking the Santa Margarita Trail, Fallbrook, Ca.

Nancy and I took the dogs for a hike. I've lived in Fallbrook for almost 20 years and I had never been to the Santa Margarita Trail. It was absolutely beautiful. No need to drive up to the mountains to get away from it all. A wilderness is right here in Fallbrook- about 15 minutes away. Why has it taken me so long to see it?  I'm not much of an outdoors person and definitely not a hiker. But it was a real easy hike even for Artie (Megan's dog) who is old and blind. Nancy's dog, Tootie, loved it and sniffed every stone and blade of grass.
Artie jumps over a log.

Remnants of the big fire in 2007.

A tree grows right out of a rock.

On the way home there was a beautiful sunset. We were stopped at a stoplight by the marque of the Baptist church and Lo and Behold-- A miracle !!  The marque wasn't lit up.  Nancy said "what if it says something about the sunset". Just then the light came on and it said
" Forecast- The Son will shine forever."
I'm not the least bit religious and I certainly don't believe in miracles but for a minute there.....

A lovely new store comes and goes.

I try to shop in Fallbrook as much as possible so that the stores will stay around. So many wonderful gift shops have come and gone through the years. Now that I've just discovered a new one I find out they're moving to Temecula- the town next door.  Fallbrook people have never been very loyal to their downtown stores. Instead they drive to the nearest mall about 20-30 minutes away.

This store- Madison Manor, has only been here about 6 months and they've realized that Temecula attracts more tourists and therefore more foot traffic. I'm sure part of the problem has been the horrible economy. But they probably will do better in Temecula.
The store is packed with beautiful things and the prices are great.

Madison Manor, 130 North Main, Fallbrook (Until February)

Quick look at a previous book club. (November ?)

The Seal Wife by Kathryn Harrison

Nancy and I enjoying the conversation. Looks like we had a little too much wine!

Beth, Vickie, Helen
Laurie, Kathy, Roxanne

The Seal Wife tells the story of a young scientist and his consuming love for a woman known only as the Aleut, a woman who refuses to speak.
A novel of passions both dangerous and generative, The Seal Wife explores the nature of desire and its ability to propel an individual beyond himself and outside convention. Kathryn Harrison brilliantly re-creates the Alaskan frontier during the period of the First World War as she explores with deep understanding the interior landscape of the human psyche — a landscape eerily continuous with the splendor and terror of the frozen frontier and the storms that blow over the earth and its face.

Book Club Christmas Party 2009

I'll bet none of you had a gorilla at your Christmas party.
(Barb poses with him or her)

Nancy getting a little too friendly.

Helen smiles but wonders who it is and if he or she actually read the book.

Laurie tries to speak his language.

The back of the gorilla gives a clue.
You can tell by the blond hair (which she forgot to tuck in) that it's goofy Beth who always wanted to wear a gorilla suit and never quite had the proper occasion----and still doesn't!

The party was held at Roxanne's house and for the second year in a row she decorated beautifully. The food, as usual was great.

Kathy made place cards in her beautiful caligraphy.

The book was "The Art of Racing in the Rain" which got a mixed review.
It's written from Enzo, the dog's point of view.
Enzo knows he is different from other dogs: a philosopher with a nearly human soul (and an obsession with opposable thumbs), he has educated himself by watching television extensively, and by listening very closely to the words of his master, Denny Swift, an up-and-coming race car driver.

Here's what I thought was the best quote from the book: from Enzo (the dog) . He and Denny were watching a racing tape and talking. Enzo comments on what Denny had just taught him, a simple concept about destiny.
That which we manifest is before us; we are the creators of our own destiny. Be it through intention or ignorance, our successes and our failures have been brought on by none other than ourselves.