Saturday, September 12, 2009

September Book Club

The book of this month. It was chosen by Kathy and we all 
 thought it was very well written.  Helen and Kathy both liked it a lot.  I really didn't enjoy reading it. 
It was set in the early 1900's in Alaska where the main character was sent to report on and study the weather. Not something I find interesting.  There aren't many people there at the time and particularly not many women. Among the three women he interacts with two of them don't talk and the third one he doesn't allow to talk. I prefer more "talky" books, myself.  This one seemed to have a theme of lack of communication. There was also a little too much killing and skinning of animals for my taste. I also found the sex scenes uncomfortable, maybe because it was written by a women in a man's voice, although she did it very well. I've gotten the reputation as the prude of the group (which I'm not,really).
There were a lot of deep meanings which I had trouble deciphering, and so did some of the others. I must say it made for one of our most lively and best discussions, though.
Now to the most important part of the evening: the food!
 Lovely little salmon burgers by Vickie.
A salad by Laurie.
She wasn't able to come to the meeting but still, very nicely,
had Roxanne bring this salad. What a pal !
A beautiful jello salad by Susan. 
The most delicious little olive oil cakes by Vickie. 
She had quite a search for the perfect mini bundt pan to make these in.
She finally found one at Sur La Table. It was made by Nordic Ware. 
I'm going to get you the recipe. Stay tuned.

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