Sunday, June 14, 2009

ART, ART & MORE ART- Our show at the Brandon Gallery

Opening night of our classes' art show- Self Portraits & More.

Diane Jansen and her husband discussing the show with Peggy Klinger and her husband.

Sue Colby (not a self portrait)

Diane Jansen


Sue helps prepare the refreshment table for the Artist's Reception.

Esther was in charge of refreshments. They were a big hit!

Diane Jansen laughs with Peg Klinger and her husband.
Diane was in charge of hanging the show.

Joy Brown( sorry about the bad photo!)

Sue Colby ( another bad photo- see me reflected at the top)

Doris Wilke's painting. ( She was in Germany and missed the show.)

Me (again!)

Linda Thorne ( sorry this is such a bad photo)

Some of the self portraits

Mary Tomaskevitch- self portrait (our teacher)

Virginia Melton

Diane Doolittle

Esther Smith

Beth Taft

See more of our self portraits on the May 28 posting.

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