Sunday, June 28, 2009


Last day of our Book Art class. We all brought snacks. Nancy made cupcakes for me which I
decorated with miniature versions of one of the books that we made in the class.

Here's some of the things we made in class:
My encaustic journal pieces. The cover and spine.

My playing card book- The theme was birds- I chose peacocks.
This is a real feather from one of the birds at my Tumble Creek house.
The hardest part about this book was the spine. Maybe I'll explain how to make it in my next post. ( if anyone is interested.)

Inside the peacock book.

The house to hold the theme book- "Eyes".

Some of the pages:

Diane's house, made to house her book with a moon and stars theme.

Diane's playing card book with interesting spine.

Collaged pages of a playing card book- in process. (Made by Linda Jenerette)

Pieces of an encaustic journal- cover, back and spines.( I think this was by Beverly Halsey).

The last day of the Art By The Inch sale at the Brandon Gallery:
A customer chooses her piece of the mural.

Some of the artists.
Notice all the taped off sections in the background that have been sold.
It was a wonderful fundraiser for The Brandon Gallery-Fallbrook's artist cooperative.
(See more of the mural in previous post)

Megan (my niece) is here for a (too short) visit from New York. She's really enjoying our wonderful weather. New york is having terrible weather. It's making her think about moving back to the west coast. Maybe Los Angeles or Portland. Of course Nancy and I are hoping for L.A. because she'd be closer and we could see her more. She makes great super eight wedding
films (see her link at the right- Love Bird Films.- She recently changed the name to "Hello Super Eight"-( I'd better change it.) If you know anyone getting married check it out.
Here she is on our daily lunchtime walks with Tootie.

Tootie after a swim. She's usually such a cute dog ! She really didn't like the swim.

A rose growing on one of our avocado trees. Not really ! It's growing beneath it and it didn't get pruned. Suddenly there it was . Notice the tiny baby avocado just beneath it.

Monday, June 22, 2009


I'm always cutting things out of the newspaper and then I never know what to do with it. So usually I just lose it among the mess on my desk. Then when I'm trying to make a point about something and want to reference an article I can't find it. Hey, why don't I put it on my blog then I'll know just where it is.

I don't know if this will be readable but I thought it had some good reasons for a single payer system. Of course there are many more good reasons.
( if you're interested you can click on it to blow it up.)

Yep !!

And on another subject.....

I've always had an aversion to modern dance. This is why !! And they're a bunch of professional choreographers !!!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

My brother Bob's birthday

My brother "Bob the Barber" recently retired from barbering in North Hollywood and moved here to Fallbrook. He's living in the house that we inherited from our mother. He had lived in North Hollywood for almost 40 years and had a lot of friends and tennis buddies. Nancy and I were very worried about him adjusting to this whole new life. He doesn't drive and has almost no interests except tennis which he plays every day. We needn't have worried. Tennis saved the day ! He has a whole new group of tennis friends. Yesterday was his 68th birthday. Nancy made tennis ball- decorated cupcakes and we took them to the tennis court for a little birthday party.

Google ads

Have you noticed that since I posted the story of the peahen and her eggs I've now got ads for egg donors and fertility clinics on the side of my blog ! I also previously had ads for peacock taxidermy. I assure you it's not what I intended. What next ?

Monday, June 15, 2009

ART, ART & MORE ART- Our show at the Brandon Gallery

Opening night of our classes' art show- Self Portraits & More.

Diane Jansen and her husband discussing the show with Peggy Klinger and her husband.

Sue Colby (not a self portrait)

Diane Jansen


Sue helps prepare the refreshment table for the Artist's Reception.

Esther was in charge of refreshments. They were a big hit!

Diane Jansen laughs with Peg Klinger and her husband.
Diane was in charge of hanging the show.

Joy Brown( sorry about the bad photo!)

Sue Colby ( another bad photo- see me reflected at the top)

Doris Wilke's painting. ( She was in Germany and missed the show.)

Me (again!)

Linda Thorne ( sorry this is such a bad photo)

Some of the self portraits

Mary Tomaskevitch- self portrait (our teacher)

Virginia Melton

Diane Doolittle

Esther Smith

Beth Taft

See more of our self portraits on the May 28 posting.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

New baby avocados