Monday, May 4, 2009

Misbehaving while watching "Ain't Misbehavin" at The Ahmanson

We went to see "Ain't Misbehavin" and during the performance I saw what I thought would be a great shot with a beautiful backdrop, great costumes, etc, whipped out my camera and prepared to take a picture. All of a sudden the "photo police" descended upon me. I hadn't been listening when they announced about turning your cel phones off, etc. Didn't hear the part about not taking pictures. I had turned my cel phone off, tho.

Well, this lady was mad. She said she was the assoc. administrator (or some such title) of the theater and that she would have to confiscate my camera until after the performance. When I objected she said I could keep it if I promised not to take any pictures. Of course I wouldn't take any pictures... I'm about the most law-abiding person I know. How embarrrassing!!!

So then, after the performance ( which was really good) we went to a cute little gift store called Uncle Jer's. (Megan worked there when she was interning in L. A.) I bought Nancy (for her birthday) what turned out to be a $58 bar of soap. While we were in the store I got a $50 parking ticket. The soap actually cost $8. ( Did I happen to mention how law-abiding I am.)

Then we were going to go to Musso and Frank's Grill (an old Hollywood landmark) to further celebrate her birthday. It was closed on Sunday.

Here's a typical Hollywood sight: As we were leaving Musso and Frank's we found these "girls" who were being filmed for a movie. They told us we could have one photo for free.

We ended up at a really good hamburger place in Brentwood. Very good but not quite what we had in mind.


  1. What a nice blog. How did you find out about mine?

    I love the new pastry chef at Lace Apron, the apricot tart is awesome. Tried the new italian bakery this morning as well. I loved Camara Oscura, Last Page not so much. I was a judge this year and the Chapman offerings were a little better last year in my opinion. (Vaudevillian, The Line) I will bookmark your site, thanks for writing.


  2. Part of the problem with Camara Oscura was that I was sitting behind Karen Baker and her hair is too big.(bless her heart- no offense!)Part of the way through the film I moved to a comfy couch with a better view and things got better. But I still didn't love it. We usually go to the L.A. Times book festival which is at the same time as the film festival so we didn't see last years films.

  3. Oh Lordie, that picture is worth a thousand right there!!
    Nice blog, glad I tripped by using the >>next blog feature!!
