Saturday, April 11, 2009

Frost/Nixon at the Ahmanson Theater, L.A. & lunch at Phillipe"s

March 29- We saw the movie and loved it. Frank Langella should get an Academy award for his portrayalof Nixon. But the play was even better! Stacey Keach was supposed to play Nixon but was sick so Bob Ari played the part and was wonderful. I had never heard of him but now will watch for him in other roles.

After the play we had lunch at an L.A. favorite, Phillipe's. It's famous for it's French Dips. Has been in downtown L.A. forever. Near Olvera Street and the Train Station. Also near Chinatown.

Another thing it's famous for is pickled eggs. You have to line up to order and the lines are usually quite long. The waitresses are always patient and polite and fast. They wear the old time waitress outfits with the hankie in the pocket and they make the sandwiches right there. They're absolutely delicious. So are the desserts especially the cheesecake. If you're in L.A. check it out.

Note the sawdust on the floor and the community tables.

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