Friday, August 8, 2008

New job

We just started a wonderful new job. We'll be developing new recipes and adapting recipes from The U.K., Italy, France, Sweden, and Germany. And I don't even cook! Luckily I don't have to, though ,because we have three very talented cooks to do that job. Nancy and I will be organizing and supervising. I'll be doing the art directing and photo styling. Nancy and I are also translating the U.K. recipes into American English. A lot of words are very different...cookies are biscuits in England, for instance. The hardest part is changing the measurements, though. We're having the other recipes translated and we have a crew of cooks who will test the recipes after they've been translated. Stay tuned for more of this...if I ever have time for blogging again!


  1. Good luck!! Sounds like fun, fun and more fun!! Plus you get to eat!!! Can't beat that!


  2. Sounds interesting :D
    Wish you best of luck with that!

  3. oh and i started reading your post and forgot to write what i wanted to tell you in the first place:

    love your banner!!

  4. Thanks Suzan,
    The eating has been good, the work has been really, really hard and time consuming, but sometimes it is fun.
    Each day it gets a little easier as we figure it out.

  5. Thanks 5erg, for loving the banner.
    I went to your blogs and really enjoyed them. I love reading blogs from other countries.
