Sunday, August 31, 2008

Les Miserables

We saw the most wonderful production of "les Miz" last night at Vista's Moonlight Amphitheater. I've seen it on Broadway and this certainly compared favorably.

Missed deadline

I was going to enter these two paintings in the Fallbrook Brandon Gallery's Small Works Exhibition. I kept putting off framing them but finally got it done and rushed down to the gallery on what I thought was the last day. Burst in the door saying "nothing like the last minute!!", only to be told that yesterday had been the" last minute".
Oh, well, there's always next year.

The strawberry painting is 2"x2". The other one is 3 1/4" x 4 1/4".

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Fallbrook Art Association Show

The Fallbrook Art Association had the opening
of their Fall Show last night.
Here's just a very few of some of the paintings.
I didn't get to photograph all of my favorites
because I was talking too much.
I'll go back later and take some more.

Esther Smith

Lucina Orth

Peg Klinger

Catherine Raisch

Carilyn Vice

Sarah Meisenholder

Doris Wilke

Karen Langer Baker

Gaspar Vaccaro

Friday, August 8, 2008

New job

We just started a wonderful new job. We'll be developing new recipes and adapting recipes from The U.K., Italy, France, Sweden, and Germany. And I don't even cook! Luckily I don't have to, though ,because we have three very talented cooks to do that job. Nancy and I will be organizing and supervising. I'll be doing the art directing and photo styling. Nancy and I are also translating the U.K. recipes into American English. A lot of words are very different...cookies are biscuits in England, for instance. The hardest part is changing the measurements, though. We're having the other recipes translated and we have a crew of cooks who will test the recipes after they've been translated. Stay tuned for more of this...if I ever have time for blogging again!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Balboa Park

Nancy, Jeri and I took a field trip to our beautiful Balboa Park. First we saw the Georgia O'Keeffe exhibit in the art gallery at the park, then we strolled through the park. This is one of the stunning buildings left over from the 1915 World's Fair.

A statue by Niki de Saint Phalle. We saw more of her statues in Paris.

Another statue by Niki de Saint Phalle, perfect for climbing.

Nancy and Jeri at the art center in Balboa Park.
It's a place for art classes and shops that sell art.
I took art classes here, years ago, when I was about 12 years old.

Georgia O'Keeffe Exhibit at Balboa Park

"Georgia O'Keeffe and the Women of the Steiglitz Circle "was the name of the exhibit.
Before they were married Georgia O'Keeffe's husband, Alfred Steiglitz,
a renowned photographer, helped a circle of women perfect their talents.
Some were photographers and some were painters and they all
defined artistic modernism at the beginning of the 20th century.
Georgia O'Keeffe was one of these women.
It was a really interesting show.