Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Trip to Swamis (Self Realization Fellowship Garden)

The surfers call this place" Swamis". It sits high on a cliff overlooking a famous surfing spot. It's a retreat started by Paramahansa Yogananda in 1936. He lived here then and wrote "Autobiography of a Yogi" here. It has a beautiful view of the Pacific and the gardens are gorgeous. It's in the city of Encinitas.

We also shopped in downtown Encinitas. Lots of cute shops and great places to eat.

Nancy was dressed appropriately in the trendiest color.

Jeri, Nancy and I then met Steve (our photographer/graphic artist)
for lunch and we discussed a possible exciting new job.


  1. Beautiful pictures! Love your blog! I'll be back to visit often!

  2. This looks like a lovely & tranquil place to visit. I really enjoyed the photographs you posted of your day, too !
    Lynda, Kilimanjaro, East Africa
