Sunday, June 1, 2008

Monotype class

The teacher, Dixon Fish, a wonderful printmaker.

The finished monotype print. I'm not very happy with it. This is the second one I did. I wouldn't even show the first one.

This is the plate that the print is made from. I like it better than the print. The hard part about this process is that the ink that you put on the plate first becomes the top layer of your print but you add more colors and designs on top of it. So you never know what you're going to get. Sometimes it's a nice surprise but until you get used to the process you're sort of flying blind. I'm not sure I explained this right. I'm still kind of confused. I'm not really sure I liked doing this. I think it would take quite awhile to get the hang of it. Also you need access to a printing press. I think I prefer collage and watercolor. This process was a little too much trouble for a lazy artist like me.


  1. I won't even tell you how many times I took printmaking,lol. Too much to take in in 1-3 classes huh? I like your blog stop by mine if you can.

  2. I've never tried monotypes.

    The bottom layer of ink becomes the top layer of the print. Your teacher has a great name, Dixon Fish.

    I like your blog, but I'm getting hungry seeing all the delicious food.

  3. Dear Joy, I went to your blog and saw the great news about Somerset Magazine publishing your art. I'm so impressed. I enjoyed your blog... both of them.

  4. Dear Chewy,
    I guess, as Joy said, it would take a lot longer than 1 class to get the hang of monotype. If you aren't as lazy as me you might like it, though. Don't let me discourage you.
    I was afraid the food on my blog could get boring if you weren't there to taste it. But the members of my book club do such a nice job of matching the food to the book and always make great presentations. Thanks for not being bored.
