Thursday, June 26, 2008

Watercolor Workshop-June 22

Mary Tomaskevitch taught this workshop and we learned a lot of great techniques. I used a few of them on the painting above:
Used a wax candle to draw the lines on the bathing suits before painting on the color,
used the edge of a credit card (an old expired one!) dipped in paint to add the straight lines on the umbrellas,
dipped the other end of my brush in just-painted wet paint to pull out thin wispy lines for the designs on the umbrellas,
shook salt on the background and then painted over it with the sand color ( this would have been better if I had kosher salt).
Mary said not to use all the techniques on one painting and I actually didn't use them all. There were several more that I can't think of right now. I think I'll paint a sampler sheet of all of them and keep it close at hand.

Some of my fellow classmates paintings are below. I didn't get everybody. Some people had already left before I thought about taking pictures. They're not all finished. We were going to all go home and finish them. Somehow I never seem to do this, though. If I don't finish it in the class it just sits there for ages.


Margaret (the bird lover in the class)

Kathy Rote (part of a mother and daughter painting duo.) See her mother's painting below.

Carol Yowell (mother of Kathy) What beautiful water!

Beth Taft

Gasper Vacarro ( our only male) The beginning of a painting.

Carol Zaleski ( a beginning)

Diane Jansen (a beginning)

Lynn Davis hides behind her painting.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Partial clean-up

Nancy and I started cleaning up and got some things ready for Amvets to pick up. It was a pitiful few boxes considering all the junk that's left. It might have looked like junk but I had the hardest time not going back and taking things out of the boxes. When the man was loading it up I was watching through the window and forcing myself not to run out there to take one last look. I'm sure I could make something out of that teacup that had just the tiniest little chip.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Nostalgic 8 mm wedding movies

If you or a relative is planning a wedding you must see this site. My very talented niece, a graduate of Emerson (film school) makes the best 8mm wedding films. See her link at the right (Lovebird Films).

New ATCs

Here's 6 artists trading cards that I just did. I like them too much to trade them, though.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Renaissance Music Concert

We attended the Fallbrook Library Sunday afternoon concert. A Courtly Noyse is a very authentic Renaissance music group. They had wonderful costumes and a varied assortment of instruments. They also sang beautifully.

See the link to their website to hear the music and read about their instruments.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Our new book, hot off the press.

Just received our latest book.

Back cover.

One of the cuter embroideries in the book adapted from an illustration from the 1940's.

The book features quick and easy things to stitch with designs gathered from our collection of vintage linens and books from the 40's, 50's, and 60's. There are over 150 designs which all can be done with just 5 easy stitches. Perfect for beginners. And to make it really easy the designs can all be ironed on with the included iron-on transfers. It's published by Leisure Arts and can be bought at Michaels, Joanns, etc. or through Leisure Arts website.
(see link at right- Look for"Stitchin' Retro" Page 2 of the Needlework category)

June Book Club-"Things Fall Apart"

Vickie couldn't stay for the meeting but still brought this
beautiful berry cheesecake which she made.

Roxanne brought berries from her garden.

Beth brought a wonderful melon and prosciutto appetizer,
which I forgot to photograph.

The book was a classic book about Africa written in the 50's. It was one ( if not the first) book written by an African (Chinua Achebe) told from the viewpoint of an African. You really felt like you were there, living the life and it wasn't pleasant. Their culture was completely disrupted when the Christian missionaries arrived. Some good things came of it
but an awful lot of bad things, too.

This picture represents how sometimes they had very little food to eat as we did, too because
most of our main food providers were absent this night. Oh, the starvation!! We did have a lot of good desert, though. Luckily Beth brought something with a little meat for protein. Nancy rushed into the kitchen and whipped up an avocado salad with the only two avocados that were ripe. We do have an avocado ranch and our meetings our held here but somehow we hadn't gathered any lately. Since I'm living here now and I seldom cook there was absolutely no other food on the premises. No, wait... I did manage to conjure up a bowl of almonds and some chips.

But we did have plenty of wine thanks to Kathy and Roxanne.

Elegant Polling Place

View while lunching before voting.

Our polling place was at the elegant Pala Mesa Country Club.
We had a nice lunch before voting. A nice voting experience!

May book club- The Shadow of the Wind

Sorry about all these food pictures but we book clubbers like to remember the food.

Laurie's masterpiece.

Looks like the photographer (me) had a little too much wine!
But it's still a cute picture of Beth.

Photographer still drunk!
But it makes it look like a lively bunch.
Nancy does the honors.

Kathy, as seen thru a veil.

Vicky, master chef.

Helen reads a selection.


Double yum!

I didn't post this til a month after the fact so now I can't remember who made what. I'll come back later and fill in the blanks. Maybe I'll even talk about the book.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Monotype class

The teacher, Dixon Fish, a wonderful printmaker.

The finished monotype print. I'm not very happy with it. This is the second one I did. I wouldn't even show the first one.

This is the plate that the print is made from. I like it better than the print. The hard part about this process is that the ink that you put on the plate first becomes the top layer of your print but you add more colors and designs on top of it. So you never know what you're going to get. Sometimes it's a nice surprise but until you get used to the process you're sort of flying blind. I'm not sure I explained this right. I'm still kind of confused. I'm not really sure I liked doing this. I think it would take quite awhile to get the hang of it. Also you need access to a printing press. I think I prefer collage and watercolor. This process was a little too much trouble for a lazy artist like me.