Monday, April 28, 2008

Suzanne McNeils visit

Nancy, Suzanne, and I visited our local knit shop," Gifts Of Love" Several people had knitted and crocheted squares and they put them together into afghans which they will donate to the fire victims. Suzanne was intrigued and will do a book on it. Steve, Nancy and I went the next week and Steve photographed them and Nancy and I styled the photos. Suzanne's company "Design Originals" will publish the book.
Suzanne was here for the CHA show in Anaheim and came to visit us afterward. We had a great time . We had dinner at Pala Mesa. The next day she came to my art class with me and made a collage of her husband. At least she started it and took it home to finish it. We always have a good time with Suzanne.

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