March 14-
We went to the San Diego Latino Film Festival to see Amy French's
great new film"Juan Frances Live" starring her brother Spencer.
We loved it. Nancy's friend, Margie went with us and she
loved it, too, and she was completely unbiased.
It was "laugh-out-loud "funny. We're so proud of Amy.
We were also impressed with her brother's acting.
It was subtle but outrageously funny.
Amy's boyfriend, David, was also in it. He was not so subtle
but hilarious, none the less.
A thoroughly enjoyable movie experience.
Here's a picture of Nancy and Amy.
We also met a friend of Amy's family named Michael Allin, who's
a screenwriter and wrote a book called Zurafa . It sounds like a very interesting
book. We'll check it out for our book club.
Here's the website for the film; http://juanfranceslive.com/