Tuesday, May 19, 2015

More theater- Feb., Mar., May at the Old Globe




At the theater lately

Why would two "ladies of a certain age" go to see Cinderella? Because we had seasons tickets and that's what was playing. Also it was by Rodgers and Hammerstein, who (whom?) I love. It was really fun. The story was slightly modernized and funny in parts. Of course, the music was nice, but not memorable.

The best part was the audience. It was full of costumed little girls- so cute!
 I was starting to take pictres of these cute little girls when the mother said "but wait there's more".
I didn't know what she meant until another one showed up.

I think these two were a couple with their baby. The baby was adorable -dressed in a tiny fur coat and a necklace. They were so proud! I wonder if she enjoyed the show? They probably just couldn't wait til she got older.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Nancy's birthday in Old Town- Quatro de Mayo

Our favorite Mariachis.

Our second favorite Mariachis.

Nancy enjoying her birthday lunch. 

Deb, our chauffeur, and friend. 
A very enjoyable day.