Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Boulevard Women by Lauren Cobb. Reading at the Fallbrook library and at Beth's party

Our book club has been following the progress of the book that Beth Cobb's sister-in-law has been writing. It's finally published and we read it for our book club. We all loved it.
Which is good because it would have been hard to tell Beth we didn't like it. 
I really loved it. It's one of my favorite books.

Lauren came to Fallbrook and did a reading at our library.

 Lauren, reading from her book.

 Signing autographs.

The party at Beth's house with the book club.  (and some friends)
Front row- Lauren ( and Beth's mother's dog), Nancy, Barb Hayden's grand daughters
(and Beth's dog, Rascal) Laurie.
(back row- Lauren's mother, P.J., me, Roxanne, Susan, Beth, Diana, Kathy,  Barb. 
In back- Beth D.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Don's Birthday Party

July 15- Don's birthday party at the Mannings'.

I made a banner.
Here's the Birthday Boy.

Al and Joe hung the banner.

John made the most wonderful barbequed chicken.

 Mary Ann and Linda and John.

 Nancy and Don load up.

Nancy brings her watermelon salad and commands everyone to eat.

Mary Ann presents her birthday pie.

Don and Linda sing Happy Birthday.

Don's present from John. 
I didn't get a picture of Paula, Seth, and Joe Ondraka.
Paula was probably in the kitchen finishing cooking. 
Seth was taking care of the birds and dogs.
I don't know where Joe was hiding.

A wonderful time was had by all.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Civic Theater- Sunday

It was thoroughly enjoyable!

Afterwards Nancy, Jane and I went to the Chart House in Solana Beach for dinner. 
It's a wonderful place right on the beach with really good food.

This was our dessert,
A great way to end a very nice day!

Sculpture in the deli case.

In honor of the World Cup.
(Also notice the swan...and the tiny leek people).

Maybe this is a swan.

Through my kitchen window

Spring is springing.

Then through my kitchen door-

A colorful guest arrives.

We shake hands...and get to know each other.
What a hunk! He has quite a hairy chest!

Then he just flew off...on quite beautiful wings. Maybe he was a she!