Saturday, November 30, 2013


The new neighbors- Jon and Emma, meet some of the old neighbors at a get-together at the Cardamons'.

Cat? What cat?

After the rain the mist painted a Christmas tree picture on the patio screen.

The tree in the driveway puts on it's Fall costume.

The hawks nest in the eucalyptus tree. (look hard!)

Just waiting to have their picture painted.

Chloe always sneaks into the picture.

Nancy, Bob and I had such a wonderful Thanksgiving at our friends- the Millers- in Palos Verdes that I forgot to take any pictures. 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

On the road

Notice the passenger!
Seen on the way to the film club last month.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Zendala # 80

Thursday, November 7, 2013

zendala # 79

Thanks to Erin  for the template.
And an extra special thanks to Rick and Maria for developing Zentangles.
I don't what I'd do without them. 

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Teaching a children's art class at the library

The classes are sponsored by the Fallbrook Art Assoc.
Sometimes as many as 15 kids attend, so I was ready...and only 2 showed up.
But they sure had a good time. They made trick- or- treat bags. 

Elisha started 15 minutes early and didn't want to stop. But finally got tired of it and started making paper airplanes from the fancy papers which he had fun flying all over the place. He had a ball!

Christina is a budding dress designer. She really enjoyed the patterned paper and the trims, and was very creative with it.

Here's one of her creations.
Here's all three of hers.
Elisha added a lot of drawings to his bag... spider, bats, a moon and pumpkins. 
His mother told me how proud she was of him.