Friday, September 13, 2013

Kathy Morgan's art show and new Zendala

Kathy's art was shown at the Brandon Gallery. There was a wonderful turn-out for the opening.
Everybody from our book club was there, except Helen who was on a cruise. A lot of friends I hadn't seen in a long time were also there. I must have been having a good time because I sure didn't take very many pictures.

Two of the girls from our book club wanted to buy this one. I don't know who finally won. But one of them bought it. I wouldn't mind having it myself.

I made Kathy work when she should have just been enjoying the adulation. I bought a $2.50 pen instead one of the pieces of art. What a skinflint!

Esther and Lynne having fun!

Zendala Dare # 72
Here's the template from The Bright Owl:
To see more go to

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Art Walk San Diego

Sarah Bates invited us to see Jim's (her husband's) art work at Art Walk San Diego last week. Here's one of my favorites of Jim's paintings...

One of the booths.

Great food from a Deborah Scott's food truck. She's a chef for the wonderful Cohn Restaurant group.
We didn't choose a patty melt, but some of the more exotic fare.

Even Michael was there chatting with some of the fairgoers.

One of the beautiful houses in the neighborhood- with a fantastic wreath in the window...

and an interesting fence.

A real entrepreneur lives in the neighborhood!