Friday, June 28, 2013

Zendala Dare #62 version 2

I think I have too much time on my hands!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Zendala Dare # 62

 Can you find the mistake?

Template from

Monday, June 17, 2013

A visit from Basto and Molly

These two dogs wandered into my front yard last week. They had tags with their phone number but no one was home. Left a message. They also had things on their collars showing they had electric fences-which apparently didn't work.  I put leashes on them and prepared to see if they would lead me to their home. No such luck. I put them in the car and drove around to see if they recognized anything. Also no luck. I took them back to my house. They were the nicest dogs, affectionate and well trained. Obviously from a good home.

I couldn't bring them in the house because of the cats and Tootie wasn't being friendly.  I don't have a fenced yard so I just got a sketch pad and settled down with them in the yard to wait for the owner to call.

He finally called at about 5:30 and came and picked them up. Apparently they're escape artists. He said they usually come home on their own. Of course I couldn't have taken that chance. He was very nice and he had rescued them from a woman who couldn't keep them after losing her house.

All's well that ends well!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Zendala flops

I know there's supposed to be no mistakes in the Zentangle world- just go with the flow and it usually comes out good in the end. Sometimes with Zendalas, tho, you can sort of see it's heading in a wrong direction and since they take longer to do it's sometimes better to stop.  Here's some of mine that I stopped in the middle.
The Zendala dare this week is to revisit these and try again. It's called "The devil that you know".
Here's my three devils. I'll choose one tonight and maybe post a new rendition tomorrow.

Finally finished a re-do of #48- (below)
What a difference! You'd never know it was the same template as the one above.

This last dare was to do it in pencil. I really didn't enjoy that so I didn't continue.

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