Thursday, July 26, 2012

Diva challenge #80 Mi2 Mi2

I can never do just one. I am SO addicted. Especially when it's a pattern I like and I love Mi2 Mi2.
It's the pattern that runs down the middle of the first one and you'll see repeated on the next two.


Anonymous said...

I can see that you love this pattern. You do it so well. Your line work in your tangles is so precise!

ledenzer said...

The way you work with your Mi2s is so beautiful. It looks like spun silver!

Margaret Bremner, Artist said...

These are really lovely. The first tile almost seems to run into the second!

Anonymous said...

You are very good with Mi2! I love these tiles.

Annemarie Huijts

Lorraine said...

Annemarie is so right! I can see you love Mi2 and it shines through your work here. Gorgeous!

Mariƫt said...

All are very nice, Great job!

Dilip Patel said...

Great looking tiles, all of them.

Blue Heron said...

I am not a tangler but I must say I like these, especially the top one. Think the shading really helps improve the perception of depth.

Would be interesting to give the main interlocking diagonal movement a bit more dimension at the sides. Could round over with a bit of thinking. Or would that be against the rules?


Unknown said...

It is always nice to see different tangles!


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