Wednesday, June 27, 2012

An omen?

After a particularly unloving day (on my part) I found this leaf in my driveway.

 A little reminder, perhaps?

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Supreme Court guide to evolution

Oh, now I understand evolution!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Zen eucalyptus trees- Diva Challenge # 76

The challenge was to do something using your home (or country, state, city, etc.) as inspiration. I had done this a few weeks ago and it sure fit the challenge.

My long driveway is lined with eucalyptus trees. Some of them were also overhanging the house. That can be very scary in a big wind. I had to have about 5 of them cut down when I first moved in.

I had trouble with them in 2 of my last houses. One of them dropped some big branches on my neighbors garage. They didn't get mad, even though it did a little damage. My gardener removed the branches and fixed the damage. 

I love the looks of them and hated to cut any down. I could almost hear them crying!!!
So this is my memorial to them.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Music Without Borders- Fallbrook Library

Another wonderful concert at the Fallbrook Library. 
Music from all over South America, Mexico and Cuba.

Zendala Dare # 10

Friday, June 15, 2012

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Sepia Saturday: Tea Party-- Then and now


I've posted this picture before of my mother pouring tea at a Women's Club luncheon. This was in Pomona, Calif. in the 50's. Note the gloves and hats.
At the meeting she probably talked about taking care of the needy, having better schools, better health care for everyone and things like that. She was very socially conscious. She cared about people.

She was president of the Democratic Club here in Fallbrook for several years.This is such a conservative community so being a Democrat was almost like being a Communist. She had a small group of fellow Democrats who were quite active. They were all senior citizens but traveled to the state convention in Sacramento and worked at voter registration at the county fair and anyplace else they were needed.  She was a very responsible citizen.

My mother would be turning over in her grave if she could see what's happening now.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Diva Zentangle challenge # 73, Bridgen

I didn't think I would like this tangle but I really enjoyed it.
I'm not thrilled with all my results but I think it's going to be one of my favorites.
It's very soothing and fun to do.
Thanks to Carole Ohl's "partner in crime" Daved who came up with it.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Sepia Saturday: My grandfather- the sheet music designer

 My grandfather, Petrus Finwall
The Finwall family: Della, Petrus, Glenn, Bob, Don.
The Finwall boys, Glenn, Don, Bob, and Gil (my father).
The photo is dated Sept. 1918. Petrus was killed
 the next month in an accident with a firetruck.
The car in the background might have been
 the one they were in.

One of my earliest jobs was as a record cover designer.  So it was quite a coincidence that my grandfather had a similar career as a sheet music designer. He really passed down his "artistic gene". The oldest child in his and each of his descendant's families became an artist.

His oldest son, Glenn didn't realize his artistic abilities until he retired. I wrote a post about him.
He was a wonderful artist.

The oldest son of my Uncle Don had a printing company.
( I think he started out as a designer.)

Uncle Glenn's oldest child, Carol Ann was my inspiration. She made the most beautiful paper dolls.
She and I would sit and draw, color and cut for hours. Unfortunately she took her own life in her early twenties before she could have had an artistic career.
Now my niece, Megan is an artist.  She started out as a graphic designer and now is a film maker.
Carol Ann and I discussing paperdolls

None of my grandfather's sheet music covers have survived. Some relatives think they were destroyed in a fire. I'm constantly on the look-out for covers from Chicago publishers in about 1918. Not many are signed by the artist so I've never found any by him.