Saturday, October 29, 2011

R.I.P Muammar... (Rest In Pieces)

I was looking through my stack of artwork from last year's classes, (the day after the death of Khadafi) and I found this:

 My teacher, Mary Tomaskevitch, had brought in several newspaper clippings to use as reference material for that day's lesson. I ended up with a picture of Gaddafi. It wasn't a very good painting and I just filed it away and forgot about it until the day after that fateful day.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Zentangle Weekly Challenge #43- The Sunflower Fund

Pennyb from The Republic Of South Africa came up with this weeks' challenge.
The Sunflower Fund sells sunflower bandanas to raise money for the South African 
Bone Marrow Registry. So she suggested sunflowers as our challenge.

I think I got a little carried away.

See more Zentangle sunflowers at

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Birthday and Autumn

Autumn brought both my birthday and Fall colors.

 A beautifully wrapped present from Nancy, and inside...

every Zentangle addicts favorite gift...

My gift from nature...

And some beautiful toiletries from Bed, Bath and Beyond courtesy of my thoughtful niece, Megan.